Government and Municipality Trucks

From sewer vac trucks to snow plow trucks to dump trucks and beyond, Freightliner offers a lineup of vehicles that deliver unmatched efficiency, durability and reliability to get the job done, day in and day out.

Our municipal trucks feature spacious cabs with easy ingress/egress for superior comfort, and 2,500-square-inch windshields for enhanced visibility and safety. Whether you need sewer cleaning trucks, sweeper trucks, rear packers, roll-offs or salt spreaders, Freightliners are built to last. They’re easy to upfit, too, with clear frame rails and component locations that support easy customization for any application.

With corrosion-resistant aluminum cabs and a range of interior options to meet your needs, Freightliner municipal trucks are lightweight, durable and a smart addition to any town or city fleet.

Blog Articles

5 stone-cold reasons to fight winter with Freightliner snowplows

Behind the wheel of a snowplow, you’re up against more than low visibility and covered roads. You’re trying to keep entire cities moving and open for business.

Work Truck that lives up to the name

The Freightliner 108SD is a truck that works as hard as you do. With the Detroit® DD8™ engine, you’ll have power and reliability you can count on.

Freightliner Trucks are the Backbone of the Country

Greene County depends on a fleet of Freightliner M2 106s and 108SDs to maintain 725 miles of gravel roads, and more.

#1 Medium Duty Truck: The smart choice for your fleet

With a durable build, reliable Detroit engines and flexible financing options, the Freightliner M2 106 is a top choice for government fleets.

Packing More Power into a Smaller Chassis

Leading dealer Jack Doheny Companies choose the Freightliner 108SD and 114SD for their vacuum trucks. Learn why.

Truck Country Believes in Freightliner 114SD Rugged Reliability

Truck Country, one of the largest Freightliner dealerships in the US, explains why the 114SD is a customer favorite.

The Evolution of the Sweeper Truck

Freightliner worked with customers and TEMs to develope sweeper trucks that met the growing changes of the industry.

Spec'ing the Right Truck at the Right Price

Freightliner works with customers to spec the right truck for the job. Read how this benefited the City of Saint John.

Cold Weather Comforts in Freightliner Vocational Trucks

Freightliner offers five cold-weather features in their work trucks that helps keeps operators safe and on the road.

Mother Nature Not a Match for 114SD

The Godwin Group relies on the Freightliner 114SD to combat mother nature, keep roads safe, and to get the job done.

How to Achieve Optimal Plow Truck Uptime

Maneuverability, extreme weather protection, easy upfit & service options are 4 ways Freightliner optimizes plow uptime.

Freightliner Snow Plows Utilized for Durability and Comfort

Freightliner snowplows combines durability with comfort. The LaGrange County Highway Department explains why they choose the 114SD.

Freightliner Builds Safety

Freightliner optimizes safety systems on vocational work trucks to fit the unique challenges of busy worksites.

Truck Models

Em2 Truck Page@2X eM2 19844-ftc-42n_alltruckspage_m2-106_plus.jpg M2 106 Plus 19844-ftc-42n_alltruckspage_114sd_plus.jpg 114SD Plus 19844-ftc-42n_alltruckspage_108sd_plus.jpg 108SD Plus econicsd-white-500x300.jpg EconicSD
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